by DAR Staff
The Life Cycle of a Gift
Bringing a gift to fruition from beginning to end is often a full team effort. It involves multiple departments, colleagues and activity, and it happens over time–sometimes months, sometimes years.
The following story describes the team…

by Lily Fleenor
February '23 DAR Star: Carol Barach
We work with absolutely incredible people—and we all have varied interests and experiences, which adds to the unique makeup of the University of Georgia. We’ll be regularly spotlighting a few rock stars from around the division so that even…

by Kelly Kerner
Kelly's Vlog: September 2020
We're back on campus, and while things may look different, virtual life hasn't changed our values. Now more than ever, the world needs Bulldogs.

by Kelly Kerner
Coffee with Kelly: Episode 2
We just celebrated another incredible fiscal year at UGA and in this division. As campus comes back to life for the fall semester, we are reminded of why we do what we do. Let that be our inspiration…