by Daynes Parker

New Region Codes

We added new region codes to GAIL for all US Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Combined Statistical Areas as well as all Micropolitan Statistical Areas in the state of Georgia. When using the query tool, these region code values are denoted…
UGA Gift Accounting Team Photo
by Michael James

Spotlight on Gift Accounting & Agreements

For many GAIL users, part (or all) of what you do may involve soliciting gifts to your school or department. But who handles all the legwork once the check is written to make sure that money ends up where it is supposed to go? Why, that would…
Traffic Jam Photo by Iwona Castiello d'Antonio on Unsplash
by David Jones

Solicitation Traffic Control

Savvy UGA communicators can rely on the GAIL Planning Calendar to manage the channels and messages reaching our alumni and friends.
MG EVI Scores
by Cindy Bond

MG EVI Scores are now updated in GAIL fresh for FY20

The Major Giving Expected Value Index (MG EVI) scores have just been updated and loaded into GAIL for FY20.  These are the scores that get updated once each year from our vendor, Blackbaud Fundraiser Performance Management (previously called…
UGA Score GAIL Feature
by Michael James

UGA Score and Campaign Giving Info Tiles

The new UGA Score was unveiled to assist in fundraising efforts, prospect identification and research. It's now displayed as an info tile for easy viewing.
GAIL Survey Feature
by Leslie West

2019 GAIL Survey Results

This year’s survey was a success! Over 160 GAIL users participated and provided feedback. We now have a better understanding of the needs of our users.
GAIL John Donor Feature
by Emily Clary

Why Didn't John Donor get my Email?

It happens all the time. You create a beautiful email, only to later notice one of your most important constituents didn’t get pulled into the list.