Design Feedback, Explained by Robots

Collage of Designer Illustrations
by Amanda Qubty

Amanda: How do I explain that graphic designers do not like prescriptive edits?

ChatGPT: Graphic designers value creative freedom and the ability to express their artistic vision. Prescriptive edits, which dictate specific design choices and limit the designer’s autonomy, can be seen as restrictive and undermine the designer’s expertise. It’s important to communicate with graphic designers about the goals and objectives for a project, but allow them the room to explore and experiment to find the best solution. Respect for their craft and trust in their abilities can lead to a more successful and satisfying outcome for all parties involved.

Amanda: Great! What prompts can I provide to others so they review graphic design pieces more objectively?

ChatGPT: When reviewing graphic design pieces, it can be helpful to focus on the following objective criteria:

  1. Functionality: Does the design serve its intended purpose and meet the requirements specified?
  2. Balance: Is the composition visually balanced, with elements arranged in a way that feels harmonious?
  3. Contrast: Are there enough differences between elements to create visual interest and make important elements stand out?
  4. Hierarchy: Is there a clear visual hierarchy, with the most important information easy to find and understand?
  5. Typography: Is the type legible and appropriate for the intended audience and context?
  6. Color: Does the color palette work well together and enhance the overall design?
  7. Brand consistency: Does the design align with the established brand guidelines and visual style?

By focusing on these objective criteria, reviewers can provide constructive feedback that respects the designer’s vision while ensuring the design meets the project’s goals and objectives.

Amanda: What are some examples of subjective and prescriptive comments that are not helpful to a graphic designer?

ChatGPT: Subjective comments are those based on personal preference and do not take into account the design goals or objectives. Examples of subjective and prescriptive comments that are not helpful to a graphic designer include:

  1. “I don’t like the color.”
  2. “Can you make it pop more?”
  3. “Can you use this specific font instead?”
  4. “Can you make it look more like this other design?”
  5. “Can you make it look more modern?”

These types of comments do not provide specific or actionable feedback and can be frustrating for the designer, as they limit their creativity and decision-making power. Instead, it’s more helpful to provide objective feedback that focuses on the goals and objectives of the design project and offers suggestions for how to improve the design in a way that meets those goals.

Amanda: Couldn’t have said it better myself. Thanks, ChatGPT.

Blog header and copy created by Amanda Qubty with the help of DALL•E and ChatGPT.
